Monday, August 17, 2009

Video Reflection: Don Norman The three ways that good design makes you happy

This video is all about design becoming beautiful. Don Norman believes ‘that pleasant things work better’ as it appeals to people at an emotional level. These emotions include making design fun, simple and subtle. Norman also speaks about the way the brain works and as designers we need to take this into consideration as it has a major affect when designing. For example, if we are fearful or anxious it will paralyse you to design as apposed to when you are happy and able to be creative problem solvers.

3 levels of emotional design:

Visceral experience

Don Norman speaks about the biological factors that affect a human’s subconscious mind. We have adapted to dislike a number of things like extreme hot/cold temperatures. This affects the way we choose colours when designing products as the consumer way associate it with negative feelings.

Behavioural experience
The ‘behavioural’ level is all about feeling in control of your environment as it includes the ‘usability, understandability, feel and heft’ of an item. We can see this in the Global Knife design. Its balance and weights allows the user to manage and direct the knife.

Reflective experience
The last level is the ‘reflective’ one. This level involves the part of the brain in which you have no control of. This part of your brain doesn’t control what you do as it is a ‘voice in your head’ that tells you to purchase a product. An example of this level is The Hummer as it attracts attention due to the image that it promotes.
Don Normans new and positive view on design is highly influenced the way we react to elements. He promotes that emotive design communicates through the three levels, even though at times we can choose to use one level against another.


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